Kamis, 25 Juni 2009



Oleh: Abdi Hari Kurniawan
S2 - Magister Management
Dibuat: 2006-11-23 , dengan 1 file(s).
Keywords: Kinerja, Bank Danamon
Call Number: 658.15 Kur a


Kinerja keuangan bank merupakan salah satu dasar penilaian terhadap kemampuan
bank dalam menjalankan fungsinya sebagai penghimpun dan pengelola dana
rnasvarakat. Sampai dengan tahun 2003, kinerja keuangan PT Bank Danamon
Indonesia Tbk. (Bank Danamon) mengalami peningkatan dengan total asset yang
dimiliki mencapai Rp 52,6 Trilyun atau naik 12.3% dari tahun sebelumnya.
Sementara di sisi lain kondisi perbankan nasional khususnya tiga bank go public
(terbuka) yaitu Bank Niaga, Bank Central Asia, dan Bank Negara Indonesia juga
mengalami peningkatan kinerja. Indikator utama kinerja perbankan dilihat dari
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR); Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR); Return on Assets
(ROA), Net Interest Margin (N1M) dan Net Performing Loan (NPL).
Perbaikan kondisi kinerja keuangan perbankan nasional membawa kepada suatu
alam persaingan yang ketat diantara bank-bank umum. Permasalahan yang diajukan
adalah apakah terdapat perbedaan kinerja keuangan Bank Danamon dengan tiga bank
terbuka lainnya?
Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja keuangan Bank
Danamon dengan tiga bank terbuka lainnya. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah terdapat
Abdi Hari Kurniawan
perbedaan kinerja keuangan antara Bank Danamon dengan tiga bank terbuka lainnya.
Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah uji beda dua rata-rata.
Hasil perhitungan dan pembahasan diketahui terdapat perbedaan kinerja keuangan
antara Bank Danamon dengan tiga bank terbuka lainnya, sehingga hipotesis yang
diajukan dapat diterima. (1) Kemampuan CAR Bank Danamon sangat baik
dibanding pesaing dengan rata-rata 43,53% dan telah memenuhi ketentuan CAR
yang ditetapkan Bank Indonesia (BI) sebesar 8%. Sedangkan BCA sebesar 30,25%,
Bank Niaga sebesar 14,50% dan BNI sebesar 14,50%. (2) Kemampuan NPL yang
dimiliki Bank Danomon masih belum optimal dibanding pesaing dengan rata-rata
5,72% dan belum memenuhi ketentutuan NPL yang ditetapkan BI maksimal 5%.
Sedangkan BNI sebesar 3,40%, BCA sebesar 2,66%, dan Bank Niaga sebesar 1,72%.
(3) Kemampuan ROA yang dimiliki Bank Danamon sangat baik dibanding pesaing
dengan rata-rata 2,46% dan telah memenuhi ketentuan ROA yang ditetapkan BI
minimal 1,215%. Sedangkan BNI sebesar 1,50%, BCA sebesar 1,32%, dan Bank
Niaga sebesar 1,24%. (4) Kemampuan LDR Bank Danamon adalah sangat baik
dibanding pesaing dengan rata-rata 45,06°/o dan telah memenuhi ketentuan LDR
yang ditetapkan BI diantara 40% - 94.75%. Sedangkan BNI sebesar 35,93%, Bank
Niaga sebesar sebesar 27,24%, dan BCA sebesar 20,20%. (5) Kemampuan NIM
yang dimiliki Bank Danamon sangat baik dibanding pesaing dengan rata-rata 4,24%
dan telah memenuhi ketentuan NIM yang ditetapkan BI minimal 1,215%. Sedangkan
BCA sebesar 3,64%, BNI seebsar 2,77%, dan Bank Niaga sebesar 2,42%.



The financial performance of bank is one of the basic evaluation on the ability of
the bank in carrying out its function as a gathering or assembling agent and
managing agent of public funds. Up to the year of 2003, the financial performance
of Bank Danamon was experiencing an increase with total assets reaching the
amount of Rp 52,6 trillions or an increase of 12,3 % from the previous year
assets. On the other side the condition of the national banking enterprises,
specially the three go public banks, namely Bank Niaga, Bank Central Asia, and
Bank Negara Indonesia were also experiencing an increase in performance. The
main indicator of banking performance was observed from its Capital Adequacy
Ratio (CAR); Loan to Deposit Ratio (L.DR); Return on Assets (ROA), Net
Interest .Llargin (NIM) and Net Per/brining Loan (NPL).
The improvement of the national banking financial performance bring about a
strict competition among general or public banks. The proposed problem is
whether or not there is a difference in financial performance of Bank Danamon
with all of the three other go public banks .
The objectives of the writing of the thesis is to know the difference in financial
performance of Bank Danamon with all of the three other go public banks. The
proposed hypothesis is that there is a difference in financial performance of
Bank Danamon with all of the three go public banks. t test has been used for the
Looking at the results of the computations and the discussions it was found out
that there were differences in financial performance of Bank Danamon with all
of the three other go public banks, therefore the hypothesis was accepted.
(1) The CAR ability of Bank Danamon was very good compared with the CAR
ability of the three other banks with an average of 43,53 % and the CAR ability of
Bank Danamon has fulfilled the CAR stipulated by Bank Indonesia (BI) of 8 % .
While the one of BCA was 30,25 %, Bank Niaga was 15,50 % and BNI of 14,50
%. (2) The NPL ability of Bank Danamon has not been optimal compared with
the one of the competing banks with an average of an average of 5,72 % and has
not fulfilled the NPL stipulated by BI of 5 %. While the NPL of BNI was 3,40
%, of BCA was 2,55 % dan of Bank Niaga of 1,72 °o. (3) Bank Danamon was
very good compared to the one of the other three banks with an average of 2,46
A% and the ROA ability of Bank Danamon has fulfilled the stipulated ROA by
BI of 1,215 % at the minimum. Whila the ROA of BNI was 1,50 %, of BCA was
1,32 °.%, and of Bank Niaga was 1,24 %. (4) The LDR ability of Bank Danamon
was very good compared to the one of the competing banks with an average of
45,06 % and the LDR ability of Bank Danamon has fulfilled the stipulated LDR
by BI between 40 % - 94,75 %. The LDR ability of BNI was 35,93 %. of Bank
Niaga was 27,24 %, and of BCA was 20,20 %. (5). The NIM ability of Bank
Danamon was very good compared with all of the three banks with an
avera ge of 4,24 %. and it has fulfilled the stipulated NIM ability by Bank
Indonesia of 1,215 % at the minimum. While the one of BCA was 3,64 %, of BNI
was 2,77 % and of Bank Niaga was 2,42 %.

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